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Applicant Information

Event/Rental Information

Rental Terms and Rules

By signing this agreement, you agree to the following terms, rules and conditions.

  1. Absolutely no smoking in the building.
  2. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises.
  3. Absolutely no rental to any party for the purpose of gambling.
  4. Space heaters may not be used in the building.
  5. Children must be supervised at all times, both inside town hall and on while on town hall grounds.
  6. The renter agrees to pay a damage deposit. The Township will return the damage deposit upon satisfactory inspection of the building. Damage to Town equipment or property will be billed to renter upon proper determination of loss.
  7. No refund of down payment will be made for cancellation after the 10th day prior to use of the hall.
  8. The rental key must be returned according to arrangements made at the time of contractual agreement.
  9. All building furnishings must remain in the building at all times.
  10. All tables and chairs must be wiped off and returned to the storage areas as originally found.
  11. The entire floor, including bathrooms, must be swept.
  12. All inside lights, including bathroom lights, are to be turned out and thermostat set at 60 degrees (winter) and 76 degrees (summer). Note: Outside lights by main door are to be left on at all times.
  13. All garbage must be removed from the premises. Bags and ties provided.
  14. The hall and kitchenette must be left clean. Renters will be charged extra if not left the way they found it.
  15. All decoration will be removed. (Please be aware that some tape will remove paint).
  16. The town hall should be left in the condition it was found.
  17. The responsible parties renting the community center must make all arrangements for all food that is to be consumed and served and furnish all items necessary for their event including all plates, cups, eating utensils, napkins, table coverings, etc. They may use all the township appliances including the coffee maker for food preparation. The township or its officials are not responsible for special arrangements as the township only rents the space and does not do any catering.
  18. The town board has the right to refuse rentals at their discretion.

All of the above conditions must be met in order to have the damage deposit returned. Inspection of all tables and chairs will be made as to working condition and cleanliness.

The fore mentioned hall rental time slot is the only allotment given to you (unless other arrangements are made) for your rental fee. Please remember, the hall may be rented to others after your slotted scheduled time. If you are renting the hall on a Saturday evening for a reception, or the like, and you have not completed the clean up by 1:30 AM, you are responsible to return to the hall by noon on Sunday to finish. Our custodian needs time prior to Monday morning business hours to complete the final clean-up duties.


Fees and Deposit

Select the type below that best reflects your event:

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